Blogging and Media Law Seminar at Melbourne University

My enthusiasm for this seminar waned when I learnt that the special alumni price to attend is $50, but I’m still planning on attending. It’s up at Melbourne Law School, on Wednesday 18 November 2009. Drinks start at 5.30 p.m. and the 90 minute seminar ends at 7.30 p.m. Professor Brian Murchison from over in America is speaking.  Stephen Price of the New Zealand Bar is commenting.  And my old mate Andrew Kenyon is keeping it all together. Everyone’s invited.  The blurb is:

‘In this seminar, leading US commentator on journalism, media and law, Professor Brian Murchison, will address key issues about blogging that arise internationally, especially related to defamation and privacy law.  When can the identity of an anonymous blogger be obtained by a prospective plaintiff?  When can bloggers protect their own anonymity — the issue that faced English law in the recent “Night Jack” case?  And how much protection will the law give if those who have been targeted by blogs “speak back”?  Stephen Price, experienced New Zealand barrister and journalist, will provide commentary.’

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