Another Victorian barrister blogs

Welcome to the blogosphere to Andrew Downie.  He is a barrister in Melbourne Chambers, of which I am a member.  Alarmingly, he nominates Williams’ Civil Procedure as his favourite book. He is blogging about commercial law at The Civil Lawyer.  He is tweeting too. I know of another barrister of Melbourne Chambers who will soon, if he ever gets round to it, unleash what will be a quality blog onto the world, and I know of a silk in Melbourne who would like to set up a blog.  Perhaps it’s time for a continuing legal education seminar: ‘How to Blog’.  What do you think?

My list of Victorian barristers with webpages or twitter accounts about the law (who have I missed?) is:

Dr Elizabeth Boros (corporate law)

Julian Burnside QC (human rights; twitter here)

Peter A Clarke (commercial law)

Andrew Downie (commercial law)

Peter Faris QC (evidence)

Don Just (criminal law and occupational health and safety law)

Kyle McDonald (summary crime)

Jason Pizer (VCAT and administrative law)

Warwick Rothnie (IP)

Cam Truong (commercial law)

Warwick Walsh-Buckley (drink driving law)

Stuart Wood (employment law)






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