Update, 14 September 2009: Here are some comments made by the Commissioner to a journalist from The Australian about how her office might be remodelled, namely by giving consumers a more formal voice within her office.
Original post: Victoria’s Legal Services Commissioner, Victoria Marles, resigned today, effective 23 October 2009, to take up a position in the not-for-profit sector.
Will they try once more to woo John Faine?
The newbie’s job will be uncertain. What will the effect on the states’ Commissioners’ offices of national regulation now being pursued with increased vigour? Either they will be abolished and their staff fight with one another for positions in the one smaller more efficient national regulator, or they will become a part of one muscular unified Australia-wide scheme of regulators around which a well-understood national law of lawyers’ obligations can gather jurisprudence and engender quality texts.